
We have launched a range of ambitious programmes to put out Fairer Together principles into practice.
Young Black men and mental health
We know that growing up today is particularly difficult for many young Black men and boys. Black men in Britain are 17 times more likely than White men to be diagnosed with a serious mental illness, and four times more likely to be sectioned.
Young Black men and mental health is a pioneering three-year programme designed to improve mental wellbeing, aspirations, and life opportunities, while reducing exclusions.
Find out more about young Black men and mental health.
Bright Lives wellbeing alliance
To improve the wellbeing of residents we are collaborating with council, community and health partners across Islington to create a joined up, co-ordinated range of support and services at a locality level. Our aspiration is to bring wellbeing services together through co-location and joined up delivery so that residents can easily navigate and access support.
This will make a big difference to improve resident’s wellbeing and strengthen their resilience so we can effectively work together to prevent escalation into higher-end statutory services or crisis interventions. Ask for more information or get involved.

Parks for health
Islington has over one hundred parks of all shapes and sizes. They play a key role in improving residents’ health and reducing health-related inequalities.
The parks for health programme is an opportunity to build on the increased enjoyment of parks during Covid-19 lockdowns. It aims to increase the use and enjoyment of public parks and green spaces, and maintain them as assets for the whole community to enjoy.
Read more about parks in Islington.

Community partnerships
Working as equal partners with our communities and local voluntary and community sector (VCS) is at the heart of Fairer Together. To achieve an equal Islington, we need to build on their knowledge and connections as co-deliverers of sustainable change.
The community partnerships unit will help lead this change across the council and the borough though locality development, listening to resident voices, investing in our community, and maximising the impact of our community centres and spaces.
Find out more about advice and support for the voluntary and community sector.
Food distribution
Through the Islington Food Partnership, we are distributing free or low-cost food in Islington.
The partnership is a broad coalition of local organisations and individuals working together to develop an ambitious and sustainable food network for Islington.
Visit the Islington Food Partnership website or find out how to access free or low cost food.

Warm community spaces
Many Islington households are struggling with their energy bills and may be unable to keep their heating on as much as they usually would.
Islington Council is working with Octopus Community Network to provide warm community spaces across the borough. Residents can go to these spaces during the day to keep warm during winter.