Ahmed and Nala's story: family at risk
Ahmed and Nala’s family were facing multiple problems and were in urgent need of urgent solutions. Bright Start provided a range of support.
- Ahmed and Nala live with their two children aged four and five.
- Ahmed was recently diagnosed with a physical health condition.
- The family were living in an unsuitable rented property which was severely overcrowded.
- The family were affected by anti-social behaviour from their neighbours which put the family’s safety at risk.
- Parents were also unsure if the children were eligible for free school meals.
- They initially contacted Access Islington because of heating and hot water issues and discovered a range of support to help them with all their immediate and long-term needs
The Fairer Together response
- Access Islington referred the family to Bright Start.
- Bright Start joins up a number of services to help under-fives and their families.
- Bright Start provided a seamless service to make sure the family does not have to liaise with many agencies and services.
- Bright Start led the liaison with the housing association regarding gas and heating issues and connected with Islington Council’s housing team to make them aware of Ahmed’s physical health needs.
Outcomes for the family
- Bright Start worked with colleagues in Early Help services and the school to provide the children with additional education and support, including free school meals.
- The housing association found the family a more suitable property within Islington.
- The family were no longer at risk due to anti-social behaviour from their neighbours.
We have changed the names of residents to protect their anonymity.
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